Empowering sustainable plastic recycling
Tools & Technologies
Bubble.io, Figma
What We Did
Wireframing, Design, Web App Development
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Takatari is a platform that focuses on recycling plastic in a sustainable way. It uses a system called Verified Plastic Recovery (VPR) to keep track of the plastic from when it's collected by a waste picker to when it's sold to the recovery facility. This product also uplifts the lives of underprivileged waste pickers by sharing a portion of the sales proceeds with them. Operating through a user-friendly Progressive Web App (PWA), Takatari helps keep track of plastic bags and tires being collected. The plastic is then sorted and compressed into chips or flakes that can be sold. The architectural design of Takatari makes it easy to follow the whole process from start to finish.
Sustainability, Circular Economy
Salient feature
Internal Tool, Management System
8 weeks
Web Application, Mobile Application
Steffen Sauer
Founder- Takatari